Proficiency Leadership Team: Materials for Monday 14 April


1) We will begin by reviewing the Problem Solving Standard and generated rubrics (they are attached below).  I have also attached the assessment examples we generated in Stormboard so that you may look at these rubrics against those activities to see if they capture the right outcomes.

2) We will next take up the Guiding Principle, Integrated and Informed Thinker, we will undertake the same process as last time for Problem Solving.  There are more issues, in my humble opinion, with the manner in which this principle is framed that we will need to address.  It incorporates at least two very different outcomes (Integrated thinker and informed thinker).  Please review the following materials and think about areas where you could assess either.

PART 1: Integrative Thinker

Standards Integrative and Informed Thinker

PART 2: Informed Thinker

The standard as described in the Maine Learning Results is below, followed by examples of standards aimed at the information literacy portion of this standard.

Standards Integrative and Informed Thinker

About shawncarlson

Assistant Superintendent
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